GECK Water Radiation Settings - posted in Fallout 3 Mod Talk: I've been trying to find the settings in the GECK that control rads given when both wading and submerged in water, and I can't seem to find then. 1, 2 by Darwin Machiavelli » Sat 11:27 pm 7 Replies 11317 Views Last post by Strange Angel Mon 9:33 pm Fallout 3 Review by Xaeryth » Mon 3:21 pm 0 Replies 5502 Views Last post by Xaeryth Mon 3:21 pm Me Thinks I'm going to do a little Fallout 3 I have not found a mod that satisfies for Fallout 3 OR FNV. The Household Water Purifier (HWP) mod is another small, simple mod for Fallout 3.

The two different settings increase x1-3 more spawns and intense version adds x2-5 enemies making the game much harder and into a zombie survival type mod. Fallout Stutter Remover F3BP Stutter Remover Settings *I made this fix myself. The screenshots below show examples of how well this works, a subtle change but one worth adding. With the help of this Fallout pc mod guide, you can add the top 10 best Fallout 4 mods in your list.